Australian Outsourcers with Remote Employees

With the advent of modern contact centre technology, it's now possible for contact centre agents to work from home using exactly the same tools as those working in a contact centre environment. 

While contact centres have been using remote call centre employees for years, the COVID pandemic quickly made it a necessity. Many contact centres were forced to close their physical contact centres, so if they were not set up to enable remote employees, your phone calls simply didn't get answered.

Those restrictions are hopefully now behind us for good, however, many contact centre employees in Australia are accustomed to working from home and do not want the added expense and lost time having to commute to a physical contact centre.

In addition, the latest Australian Contact Centre Best Practice report indicated that flexible working arrangements are highly valued by employees, and in a tight labour market and attrition often in excess of 40% per year, Australian outsourcers with remote employees have a higher opportunity to retain their employees which can deliver benefits in multiple areas (meaning lower costs to you). 

Why Engage an Outsourcer/BPO That Uses a Remote Workforce?

Using Australian outsourcers with remote employees (aka work-from-home, remote call centre employees) provides a number of benefits, including: 

1. Scalability & Flexibility

Because there is no commute time, BPOs in Australia can quickly scale up their workforce when you need them.

This makes it perfect for situations when call traffic is larger than expected due to unforeseen circumstances. Send a message out to your at-home workforce and within minutes, you'll have more resources on the phone ready to go!

2. Reduced Costs 

There are no large overheads associated with the costs of providing a work facility, maintenance, etc., which results in lower costs for you when using an at-home workforce. 

3. Increased Productivity

Studies have shown that contact centre agents who work from home are more productive and have less turnover than those expected to commute to work each day. This can directly relate to lower costs for you. 

4. Redundancy

Whilst you would hope we never get locked up again, unfortunately, there is always the possibility.

Having some or all contact centre outsourcers employees working remotely will ensure the phones are still answered if the worst happens and physical access to the BPO's main contact centre(s) is closed. 

And it's not just for COVID. Having remote workforce capability in Australia is also useful for natural and man-made disasters, which can prevent employees from accessing a physical centre and ensure customer support is not impacted. 

Search Australia Outsourcers with Remote Employees:

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