Using Customer Benchmarking Companies

There is increasing pressure on businesses to make sure they are providing an exceptional level of customer service to their customers. In fact, recent statistics are crystal clear on why it matters:

  • 86% of buyers are willing to pay more for a great customer experience
  • 73% of buyers point to customer experience as an important factor in purchasing decisions
  • 65% of buyers find a positive experience with a brand to be more influential than great advertising
  • 84% of organisations working to improve CX report an increase in revenue.

Customer Benchmarking is designed to enable you to take a sneak peek into what your competitors are doing in trying to win over your customers. 

What channels are suitable for customer benchmarking?

As customer benchmarking is essentially simulating a real customer experience, any of your existing channels that customers use are suitable including phone, email and digital (e.g. website, SMS etc).

What type of things can be measured? 

There is a large range of metrics that can be used to benchmark performance including Customer wait time, Longest wait, First Contact Resolution, Store Appearance, Website Load time,  Accuracy of information, Upselling attempts, compliance issues and more. 

Designing and executing a Customer Benchmarking program is a highly specialised are and the suppliers below are all experts in the field. 

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