Call Centre Shift Swapping Software

Call centre shift swapping software is a tool that allows call centre agents to trade shifts with one another easily.

This software provides a platform where agents can view available shifts, request swaps, and get approval from management, all within a streamlined and automated system.

The main beneficiaries of call centre shift swapping software are the call centre employees, and there's a reason it's important. 

Call Centre Attrition, where call centre agents leave the business, can be over 40% in large call centres in Australia, so with high costs of recruitment and training for new employees, trying to keep your employees satisfied makes good commercial sense. 

Shift flexibility is a highly desired trait by call centre agents, and currently (as of 2024), shift swapping is available in 60% of Australian contact centres, and an additional 28% of contact centres enable shift swapping and shift bidding. 

So, whilst the prevalence of shift swapping possibility is high, for the majority of contact centres, it's a highly manual process. 

Call Centre shift swapping software can make the process a LOT easier, and its often integrated within a broader workforce management system

Benefits of Shift Swapping Technology in the Call Centre

The premise of call centre shift swap technology is to empower agents to swap shifts with their fellow colleagues, which previously may have resulted in unscheduled sick leave. 

This, in turn, helps the contact centre as it is more likely they will have the right number of agents forecasted to meet service levels.

 With agents empowered to make their own decisions, engagement levels are typically higher and fewer agents take unscheduled sick leave. 

This can result in lower employee turnover and all the associated benefits that come with it.

  • Increased Flexibility for Agents - Allows agents to swap shifts to better accommodate personal schedules, improving work-life balance.
  • Improved Employee Satisfaction - Empowers agents with more control over their schedules, leading to higher job satisfaction and reduced turnover.
  • Reduced Administrative Burden - Automates the process of managing shift swaps, reducing the time and effort required by supervisors to handle these requests manually.
  • Minimised Disruptions - Ensures that shift swaps are handled efficiently and that all shifts are covered, preventing staffing gaps that could affect service levels.
  • Enhanced Compliance - Keeps track of shift swaps to ensure that labour laws, contractual agreements, and company policies are adhered to, such as maximum working hours or rest periods.
  • Real-Time Updates - Provides instant notifications and updates to both agents and managers when a shift swap is proposed, accepted, or denied, keeping everyone informed.
  • Better Workforce Management - Allows managers to oversee and approve swaps with visibility into the overall schedule, ensuring that the right skills are available at the right times.

Negatives of Call Centre Shift Swapping Software

While there are some clear benefits, implementing shift swapping is not without some risks or complications, including:

  • If agents are constantly swapping shifts, it can be hard to schedule coaching, training etc.
  • If you have a call centre that uses differently skilled agents, you can have situations where there aren't enough appropriately skilled agents.
  • Trying to keep track of all the shift swaps and time worked, paid etc can be time-consuming, depending on whether your WFM software is linked to your payroll system.
  • It can cause tension if there are agents who have the desired shift but aren't willing to swap it. 
  • There can be times when it's hard to find people willing to swap if there is only what's considered the bad shift on offer. 

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