Philippines Suppliers of Redundancy/Business Continuity for Customer Support and contact Centres based in Australia

If the COVID-19 crisis has taught us one thing, its the need to have a robust business continuity plan for your contact centre. Whilst traditionally, that may have been having seats ready to go 24/7 in another location that is already pre-configured for your business or just providing access to a call centre facility when you need one, now it can mean being able to tap into a work-from-home workforce that can continue to get your calls answered either here in Australia, or overseas.  

Many contact centres that have been using offshore call centres also quickly discovered if they went offline (as did the whole of the Philippines), they had no on-shore options available, so their whole customer support was offline. 

Of course, like many businesses, a BCP plan was always on the to-do list, which didn't help them at all.  The good news is that many of the contact centre outsourcers are able to offer immediate assistance, and can and should be a bit part of helping you plan for the future. 

Just reach out to the suppliers directly below in the Philippines or use our free outsourcing guide and wizard and we'll connect you directly to recommended suppliers that are in the best position to help now based on the exact type of support you need.

Whether it's engaging other resources to help, some technology to enable your own workforce to work from home or perhaps an alternative facility if your's in unavailable  - there are solutions available. 

Being offshore in the Philippines provides some safeguarding in case local Australian issues emerge. Plus, being offshore in the Philippines, there are significant cost savings as compared to having the same solution here in Australia.

Reasons why you should be planning for a disaster now!

Even before COVID-19 (and other emerging strains), there are also lots of other reasons why your call centre can suddenly become unavailable or offline.  Whether it's a natural disaster, an accident, a power outage gas leak etc,.  Regardless of the reason, suddenly not having a contact centre operational can be catastrophic for a number of businesses. 

Outsourcers and BPOs who specialise in business continuity (BCP) solutions can have space set aside for your employees on a permanent basis (with workstations already hardwired for your systems), handle overflow calls at the flick of a switch or automatically when thresholds are hit, take messages, handle all your calls etc.

There really are lots of options so don't leave it until it's too late - reach out to a specialist BCP outsourcer in the Philippines below!

Search Philippines Providers of Business Continuity Solutions for Contact Centres in Australia: