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Data entry can be a time-consuming and tedious task that can eat up valuable resources within your business making it an ideal function to outsource to a third-party provider. 

There is a range of functions and skills that can be considered data entry with some of the common ones listed below:

Data Entry - Inputting data or information to a digital database through desktop, scanner, disk, and voice. This can be using tools like Microsoft Excel, CRM tools like Salesforce and more. 

It can be as simple as taking information from one format (e.g, a form) and entering it into another format (e.g. Microsoft Excel) but it can also include quality checking, analysis and more. 

Data Collection - Gathering and measuring quantitative or qualitative data from multiple sources, for example, a question for a study or research.

Records Maintenance/Data cleansing - Reviewing and cleaning up records into consistent formatting, removing redundant data etc with examples including cleaning up a marketing or mailing list or internal customer list. 

Common Data Entry Skills

Working as a data entry officer is typically the entry-level job with the typical duties listed below.  Data analysts are typically a bit more experienced (e.g. 1-2 years of working as a data entry operator) and they will have a higher focus on reporting, analysis and recommendations.

  • Updating customer accounts and data
  • Reviewing data and performing quality checks including detecting and correcting any deficiencies or errors
  • Researching and obtain further information according to identified data gaps.
  • Generating reports and performing basic data analysis.
  • Ensuring compliance with processes, security policies 

There are many suppliers that can provide data entry and data analysis solutions in Australia and depending on your specific industry and the sensitivity of your data, there may be specific requirements to keep the data onshore so this will be the best (and only!) option. 

Outsourcing your data entry to places like the Philippines can also offer significant discounts, often saving businesses approximately 70% off running the same function here in Australia. 

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