Call Centre Sales Companies

Outsourcing your sales functions can be a great way to increase revenue and profit in your business by tapping into the expertise of professional sales experts.

Call Centre Sales companies and BPOs (Business Process Outsourcers) provide a range of outsourced services such as telesales, telemarketing, cold calling, lead generation, and appointment setting delivered from either here in Australia or offshore locations.

They provide cost-effective solutions to help your business identify, plan, and execute the right strategy to increase sales.

Key Types of Call Centre Sales Solutions & Campaigns 

The modern outsourced call centre sales companies/BPOs are well equipped to help you grow your business with typical sales services and functions including:

Customer Acquisition

Whether it's through telemarketing, lead generation, cold calling, appointment setting, inbound call answering, and more, the call centre sales companies will help you acquire new customers to generate new revenue for your business.

For outbound work, the contact centre outsourcer can work with you to determine the ideal target market and use customer lists that you supply, or the outsourcer can help source the data for you. 


If you've got an existing list of customers, why not put together a campaign to help increase your wallet share?

Whether it's an upgrade from an existing product or perhaps you're introducing a new product or service, your existing customers provide the perfect opportunity for your business to increase revenue. 


Working with call centre sales companies, you can target previous customers with a great offer to win them back. And it doesn't just mean an outbound call.

Most sales outsourcers today can help send out a great offer via email or traditional mail, provide inbound solutions to answer calls, and follow up the offer with a call where and when appropriate. 


Your existing customers are often the most valuable, so make sure you look after them!

From welcome calls, courtesy calls, satisfaction surveys or a special offer for your existing customers, the call centre sales companies will work with you to ensure you retain your most valuable customers. 

More than just Phone Calls 

Whilst contact centre sales solutions have traditionally been delivered over the phone, modern sales campaigns can involve a range of other channels, including direct mail, social media, EDM, live chat, Digital Marketing, and more. 

Sales functions can be either inbound (when the customer calls you) or outbound (when you are contacting the customer).

In many instances, your sales contact centre partner can handle both. For example, you can send an EDM with a call to action to ring the call centre and order.

Or an outbound telemarketing campaign in which the customer is required to call back to order or provide further information. 

Many modern call centres can help plan and execute sales strategies across all offline and digital channels—just contact them to discuss your requirements. 

How much do call centre sales companies cost?

It's hard to provide a definitive answer as there are a lot of variables on how the sales campaigns are run, who's providing the data, what incentive models are being used, the experience of the employees, how much risk is involved etc.

If you are engaging a local Australian sales company,  the range can typically be around $48 and $70 AUD. 

If you are looking to engage a sales outsourcing company/BPO overseas, prices can greatly vary based on location with the Philippines, South Africa and New Zealand providing savings between 20% and 70% compared to running the same sales campaign here in Australia. 

However, using offshore companies can have a lower conversion rate. 

Regardless of the location you choose, one thing that doesn't change is the lower the risk to the sales outsourcer (e.g., a flat hourly rate) versus a high-risk model (e.g., commission only), the cheaper it will be for you. 

A popular model is a hybrid of the two—a lower hourly rate that covers their costs, with incentives for good performance. 

Learn more about the different cost models, prices in other countries, risks etc in our Free Guide to Call Centre Outsourcing > (no email required!) 

How to choose the right Call Centre Sales Company

As you will note above, there is a range of options to help you increase revenue using call centre sales companies.

Finding the right partner is a crucial step, and many factors, including the outsourcer's experience, must be considered. For example; 

  • Do they have experience with the sales function you need?
  • Do they have experience in your industry vertical?
  • Do they specialise in B2B or B2C?
  • What about the location? Do you keep the contact centre onshore (within Australia) or use an offshore contact centre with lower costs but perhaps a lower conversion?
  • Do they have experience in sales solutions across digital channels and have the technology and skills to execute?
  • And what type of commercial model is best? Commission only, hourly rates, base plus incentives, etc. 

If you'd like some help in finding the right call centre sales company for your business, try our free Call Centre Outsourcing Wizard that will assist you in defining your requirements in order to have meaningful discussions with potential partners to enable accurate quotations. 

We can also assist you in providing you with a free recommended shortlist of suppliers based on your requirements, which can save you time, money, and frustration. 

Otherwise, just select a location below to view available suppliers. 

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