Virtual Assistants - Administration Specialist 

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Do you need some admin help in your business? Search our Business Directory below for a list of virtual assistants (VA's) who specialise in administrative functions based in either Australia, the Philippines or India. 

If you'd only like to see administration virtual assistants for the one country, select the country below and use the filters to narrow the search for a specific skill set.

Administration Functions provided by Virtual Assistants include:

Virtual Assistants with admin skills can provide a range of different functions and services including (but not limited to):

  • Diary management
  • Document formatting 
  • File management 
  • Travel management (e.g. making bookings for flights, accommodation etc)
  • Data entry
  • Transcription
  • Building and using document templates
  • Event management 
  • Mail merging 
  • Proofreading
  • Documenting processes and procedures
  • Heaps more! 

How much do virtual assistants cost?

As prices are typically set by the virtual assistants themselves, prices can vary greatly depending on a range of factors like skills, experience etc.

The location also has a big influence on pricing - in Australia you can expect to pay between $30 AUD to $50 AUD per hour for general administrative work whilst in India and the Philippines, you can expect to pay around $4 AUD to $10 AUD if you are dealing directly with the virtual assistant and a fraction more if you go via an agency.

Virtual Assistant agencies act as a middleman, so you pay the agency and they deal with the day to day management of the Virtual Assistant as well as payroll, quality control etc. Of course, you pay a premium for this option on top of the salaries for a virtual assistant however both models have their pros and cons. 

Some virtual assistants and agencies will also offer packages where you pre-pay for a set amount of hours which works out slightly cheaper again for you. 

Want to add yourself to this directory?

If you offer Virtual Assistant services specialising in administrative work and are looking for more work, learn more about how to add your business to this directory including our prices and how to claim our free $97AUD offer > 

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