Let's face it, no one likes being kept on hold in a call centre but a Messages on Hold services enable you to make the most of every opportunity!

Engaging professional Message on Hold service providers enables you to craft a personalised experience for your customers using a mix of music and customised messaging.

From seasonal greetings, special offers, product or service information, helpful tips and more there are countless ways businesses are using the phone hold time to convey customised messaging. 

Whether you've already got brand guidelines you need to adhere to or you need some help with choosing the right voice talent, music tracks and scripting, Message on Hold companies are experts in helping ensure your business delivers a great customer experience. 

If you are looking at developing engaging, entertaining and informative messaging to ensure your brand and marketing are effectively communicated to your customers why not contact one of the Message on Hold suppliers below and get started!  

For tips on best-practice messages on hold, check out the Psychology of Call Centre Hold Music article on the Australian Customer Experience Professionals Association website. 

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