Contact Centre Management Training

Managing a customer support team, call centre, sales team or leading a customer experience transformation across your business has never been more challenging. 

It was already hard enough trying to balance leadership skills, technical skills, stakeholder management skills, customer management skills and so on and that was before the COVID-19 crisis hit forcing leaders to pivot quickly to changing business conditions, working from home arrangements and so on. 

Whilst traditional learning for Customer Experience (CX), Contact Centres and Customer Service has been done via face-to-face learning, conferences, workshops and so on, COVID-19 has forced many of the training options to an online environment until in-person training options can resume. 

Whilst face-to-face training has some benefits, so does online learning!

Online contact centre management training enables you to tap into local and global experts and rather than spend a full day (or days) away from the office, many of the online training courses are now split over multiple sessions enabling you to pace your learning over a longer period so you can balance your workload. Training can still be delivered in groups or one-to-one depending on the training required. 

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