Virtual Assistants - Customer Support Philippines

Virtual Assistants - Customer Support

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Search our Business Directory below for a list of virtual assistants (VA's) who specialise in customer support functions based in either Australia or the Philippines. 

If you'd only like to see customer support virtual assistants for the one country select the option below and use the filters to narrow the search for a specific skill set.

Customer Support Functions provided by Virtual Assistants include:

Virtual Assistants providing customer support can provide a range of different functions and services including (but not limited to):

  • Phone enquiries
  • Technical support 
  • Message taking
  • Pre & post sales questions
  • Social media customer service (e.g replying to Facebook posts, Instagram, Messenger, Twitter etc)
  • Need Lead Generation? Search this category > 

Have large volumes?

Virtual Assistants are typically great for low volumes/sporadic work where you work directly with the virtual assistant and build a good relationship with them over time. 

If you have larger volumes, we suggest you look at Contact Centre Outsourcers/BPOs who can handle more volumes in addition to a range of technology and reporting benefits that may also assist your business with an improved customer experience and lower costs. 

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